Posted by Unknown on 9:36 AM

Social Media Services
Since the search engine giant, Google launched its own social network, Google+, there has been talk in more than just the Internet community. Even experts in the B2B (business to business) communications field are closely watching the new developments. It seems time to shake the throne of  Facebook. With more than 700 million users until now it has been unchallenged. How will Google+  change the area of Social Media? More so, is it possible to use Google + for corporate communications?

With its new social network, Google has a hot iron in the fire. Whether it creates added value for the B2B communications, will show with further development. But it is already clearly evident that Facebook and Google + are fundamentally different. While Facebook is highly concentrated on the social aspect of 'social media' and the private network, the focus with Google + is clearly on the 'Media'. There are a few of the "fixed" social relations in the foreground. Contacts are primarily sources of information that provide the user with interesting news and media. Google obviously sees this as a consistent way to merge its services in a social network.

Two elements of the new social network play a special role: Sparks and Circles. Sparks can be utilized by entering search terms quickly and using easily thematic messages such as news feeds. Contacts are sorted as Circles, an important contrast to Facebook as these circles do not have to be mutual. For the distribution of status reports and news it does not matter how many 'friends' someone has. Even if it is not yet possible, Google wants to add similar feeds like Facebook profiles to include in its network. Then it starts to get interesting for B2B communications. Google+ has in many social media consultants eyes erupted again a kind of gold rush atmosphere.

